One of the great photographic treats in life for a wildlife photographer is to be able to take images of the big cats in Africa. The Lion, Leopard and Cheetah to be exact. While not wanting to go into the naturalist realm of where and how to find these magnificent cats I will generalize by telling you the following:
Two cameras are strongly recommended. One camera dedicated to your longest glass and the second camera with either a mid-range zoom or your mid-range glass. Things can change in mere seconds so not having to switch lenses is a great advantage. You will need a wide lens range as the big cats can be as close as 10′ from you to as far away as 300 yards. Of bigger concern than lens length is lens speed. f2 is great. f2.8 is necessary. f4 can work. f5.6 will be ok in bright light. These cats are most active in dawn and dusk when the light is low so the faster the lens the better. I was able to use my 105 f1.4 a lot due to the proximity of the animals.
Zoom lenses make for a good choice for quick composition but they tend to max out at f2.8 or f4. A 100-400mm is a great choice as the cats move around quite a bit giving you framing options.
But probably the best suggestion I can give you is to learn how to use your camera. You probably wont have time to mess around figuring out how to adjust your setting. Being able to adjust your camera setting without having to think and figure it out will allow you to focus on content, not where is that button?
Photographing big cats is a lifetime experience so the bottom line is to enjoy and appreciate the time you get to spend with these very special animals.
Generally found in the open plain or near rock outcroppings. They tend to go and do what they want. Lions are most active in dawn and dusk and are typically found in a pride consisting of 5-20 lions.

Generally found In the tundra bush which provides some cover from lions but with site lines into the Serengeti or Masai Mara plains. Cheetah need to stay relatively hidden from their prey until they start their chase. Capable of hitting speeds of 60mph within 3 seconds cheetah are the fastest land animals on earth.

Leopards love trees as it gives them the advantage of surprise over their prey and a relatively safer place from the lions. However, lions can climb trees so stealth is the more important defense of a Leopard. Leopards will carry their kill into the trees to eat and sleep.

All images are the property of GD Whalen and can not be copied without his consent.